Turning unreasonable anxiety into unlikely ideas

Category: writing


Childhood is not ordinary. For years we continue to be amazed by ordinary things around us. We question everything. All answers are not comforting, most induce doubts and queries. The lack of answers to the mysteries that surround us can be annoying. One feels lonely attempting to find them all. Unfortunately, everything is a mystery. As we grow up, things begin to look ordinary. Curiosity, if not missing, becomes less impulsive. Growing up involves accepting, accumulating answers. Now, questions. Any venture into the unknown is dampened by the fear of failure.

I spent many monsoon afternoons in the balcony playing with rain drops. Curiosity was my companion. It made me come up with questions that swirled like butterflies in my mind.

Journeys that begin with a question may not always have a gratifying destination. The destination, an answer, sometimes does not match up to the imagined one. On other occasions, it exceeds expectations. Learning that water drops evaporate to the sky and come back as rain was as amazing as discovering that there are colors we can’t see or noises we cannot hear. However, I have learnt that now. In the very instant of learning, I pushed questions aside to be replaced by a new set of ones. The cycle continued. More questions, whether fulfilled or not, were associated with answers.

These associations make up common sense. Answers are widely known and deemed ordinary. No one aspires to be ordinary. Any venture into the unknown is dampened by the fear of failure that stands between us and prospective inquisitive journeys. It stops us early and convinces that the answers are known.



“Who makes clouds?”
“Where does he live?”
“In a cave by the river.”
“How does he make clouds?”
“With the help of Wind.”
“Have you seen him?”
“Then how do you know this?”
“Nobody has seen him. He only talks to the Earth.”
“Tell me more …”
The Earth was barren and upset with the ghastly silence that stalked her. Trees kept to themselves and wolves spared no one. A Cloudsmith sensed her plight but lent no words. His words, like his friends, were few but chosen.

So, to the Wind he went and spoke about solitude. What he said made little sense but the wind waited till the end. “What do you want to do?” asked Wind. “I want to make clouds, some white as joy and other dark like a doubt. They will be known as hope flying across the sky. When they bring rain, the Earth might smile.”

So, it was done as agreed. First, raindrops tickled the trees till they burst into laughter. When the dust washed away from them, leaves rejoiced. After lightning slaughtered the silence, it scared off the wolves. Wind, with all its might, shook Earth out of its sleep. As the Cloudsmith awaited his reward, a smile shied at him. He vanished into the clouds and drew a silver lining.

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